Tuesday, 16 September 2008
drama drama
I'm seeing my mate Josh for a bit tonight, he's going to break up with his girlfriend or something. Which is great, cos I hate the stupid girl. She used to be best mates with Lil and Camps until she fucked them around, and she's kicked the dirt back up now that they're all going back to uni together. I can't be doing with it, i'm guessing Josh can't too that's why he's breaking up with her. I did warn him eight months ago what she was like but he insisted they were just casually dating. The problem is that no-one can casually date Summer Francis-Smith. She drags them in and stamps all over them and for some reason they're still willing to do everything she says.

It's weird the way everyone's breaking up before uni. Lil breaking up with Josh is not proving to be easy for her at all. It was supposed to be their anniversary today and what with everything she forgot all about it, so she's pretty upset. Her Dad's being really nice about it but he's mum's kicking up a big fuss about social circles etc etc. She's pretty fickle about stuff like that. I'm gonna head up there tomorrow morning anyway and move some stuff for her, I don't think she's gonna come with me.

I've always fancied Lil and Josh to get together to be honest. I love Lil to death, she's been my best mate for twelve years but that Jamie was never good for her. He's a sound enough lad, but he bums off his rich parents and doesn't really have an aim in life. Lil's got a steady head on her shoulders, she's clever and kind and completely gorgeous and I just reckon she needs to be with someone more on her wavelength, and someone who's gonna make her smile. Josh is gonna be a lawyer for christ's sake, and he's the soundest guy I've ever met. He'll no doubt make her smile too. But they've never met each other, I don't think one of them knows that I know the other, but with a bit of my magic something could come out of this! We'll see, I'm pretty sure Lil's not up to my matchmaking ways just yet.

I feel really bad for her, she seems really cut up and I'm guessing Summer's not making anything much easier for her. It's probably already going around like hotfire, and Summer's going to use it to her advantage. Okay so maybe Lil's stunning and popular and her parent's are rich, she's not actually that high maintenence, more effortlessly flawless. It's not her fault that so many people are jealous of her.

Look at me getting involved in all of this bitching. Such a girl.
